
The Kingdom Life: A Practical Theology of Discipleship and Spiritual Formation is unavailable, but you can change that!

Each of us has ties to family, friends, and strangers in our society, so our spiritual formation should touch not only ourselves but everyone we meet, including the most needy. The truest kind of transformation—the kind Jesus taught and modeled—prompts us to reach out to our neighborhood instead of withdrawing into a self-absorbed, isolated, and risk-free spirituality. For six years, a dozen...

is merely a new and unnecessary term for what we have traditionally called “discipleship.” As someone who has spent a lifetime working with a parachurch organization that takes both orthodoxy and discipleship very seriously, I understand these concerns and have had them myself from time to time. Several years ago, a group of men and women, not preoccupied with many of the above concerns but deeply grieved by the spiritual condition of the church in America, came together and opened a dialogue concerning
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